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Apocalypse Tribe HQ _ The Lounge _ Roll Call

Posted by: Woe Sep 19 2006, 02:17 PM

It's been pretty quiet around here lately, So Its time for everyone to check in again. What have You been up to? Whats on your schedule? And what are you looking forward to in the last Quarter of 2006?

My current Agenda is getting my car registered, and taking the written exame to re-instate my drivers license /groan. But halloween is coming up, Yay for parties, candy, and women dressed like french maids, playboy bunnies, and she-devils! I am also quite content that Summer is drawing to a close.

Videogame wise, I'm looking forward to:

Company of Heroes (out now)
Dawn of War: Dark Crusade
WoW:Burning Crusade

Oh yeah, and the new Facry, i forget the name.

Thats all for me,

Posted by: AC9breaker Sep 19 2006, 02:29 PM

At the moment my main focus is trying to balance school and work. Taking 13 credited hours and clocking in like 30+ hours at work a week. Its a surprise I manage to squeeze in time to play PSU. I'm excited about my New Jersey Giants, seems like we're gonna go far this year as long as we stay focus. Big mental game coming up this Sunday against the Seahawks. Also gonna try to save up some money on the side so I can register for Spring semester and finish up these 2 years in one year. It's gonna be tough what with new games and holiday season around the corner.

Games looking foward to:
Dawn of War: Dark Crusade
Phantasy Star Universe

Nintendo Wii

Posted by: DarkEpyon Sep 20 2006, 07:12 AM

Let's see... currently I'm killin' it on PSUJP, hopefully getting to 50 this weekend. With school, I haven't had time to play much else. Been playing PSU so much, I haven't been talking to my girlfriend very much. Thanks to PSU, I'll be surprised if we're still together by the end of the year. I won't let it get that bad though.

Posted by: Sgt. Retehi Sep 21 2006, 12:03 AM

50 already? Take a nap man. beigebigeek.gif

I just been working, day in, day out, pretty basic days. I'm not playing anything myself right now, the occasional cruise in GTA: SA, or a ROM here and there.

Hopefully getting broadband this weekend, bout fuckin time! luna.gif

Oh, and I'm still patrolling around here every night.

Posted by: Vitamin D Sep 21 2006, 12:16 AM

Just been chillin enjoying what should be my last semester of school haha. I bought a Onyx DS Lite a couple days back and have Wario Ware and Mega Man ZX. megaman-run.gif Been playing those and Disgaea 2 as well. Lot of school work thus far... the amount of papers I've had to type up is already staggering. It's all good though, been having an overall fun time. And yeah... I want PSU. Because we're on the same ship, it's called starship Earth. >_>

Posted by: Kazicht Sep 21 2006, 07:17 PM

Final year of college and its kicking me hard and fast. Just trying to take it at small doses if its an option.

Gaming wise its PSU all the way next month! Oh, and maybe alittle FFXII here and there.

Posted by: Ferra Sep 21 2006, 08:45 PM

I've just been working, mostly, and playing FFXI! Tanshin and I are going to pick up Okami tomorrow, though. Hurray.

Posted by: Zorya Sep 21 2006, 09:59 PM

Finishing up my 2nd Bachelor's degree this semester; I'll be graduating in December. I'm only taking 9 hours, so I get to work at my internship Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I'm involved in a couple of non-profit organizations, so that keeps me busy, plus I'm on my university's Quiz Bowl team. Not much time for anything except studying, homework, and volunteering.

Trying to get a 4.0 again this semester so I can graduate magna cum laude.

I competed in my university's intramural archery competition, and scored 122 out of 150 possible points. Next highest women's score was 67. Highest men's score was 117, so yeah, I'm pretty much a badass. :] Got a nifty intramural champion t-shirt out of the whole thing.

Posted by: Woe Sep 21 2006, 10:26 PM

QUOTE(Zorya @ Sep 21 2006, 10:59 PM) [snapback]25573[/snapback]

I competed in my university's intramural archery competition, and scored 122 out of 150 possible points. Next highest women's score was 67. Highest men's score was 117, so yeah, I'm pretty much a badass. :] Got a nifty intramural champion t-shirt out of the whole thing.

Sick. sniperer.gif

Posted by: hamstar Sep 23 2006, 02:10 AM

QUOTE(Kazicht @ Sep 21 2006, 07:17 PM) [snapback]25570[/snapback]

Final year of college and its kicking me hard and fast. Just trying to take it at small doses if its an option.

Gaming wise its PSU all the way next month! Oh, and maybe alittle FFXII here and there.

I'll just quote this post. I'm doing the same thing.

Posted by: Ellianna Sep 23 2006, 07:05 AM

Havent been playin much for games lately with alyssa back in school, i play WoW ocasionally still, i have the expansion and ffxii reserved...

last monday i had orientation for my GED and i'm testing tue. and wed this coming week 5 hrs each night ..i cant wait cry2.gif only thing i'm worried about is the math.... and the essay on some random topic, that you get all of 45 min to complete. should be interesting!

Posted by: unitself Sep 23 2006, 03:28 PM

Hey everyone!
I've been doing the same thing - nothing really ever changes. Work is fine, life is fine.
As far as gaming goes, I bought Zelda: Minish Cap (GBA) and totally had a great time with it. Nice pace, nice difficulty - thumbs up.
Now I am playing Rebelstar (GBA). I bought it along time ago, but never really got into it. So, I am trying it again. So far, it's fun.
Also, I picked up Cold Fear (Xbox). Basically it's an RE clone, but instead of a mansion you're on a ship in the arctic. It's cool because the entire screen rocks back and forth the whole time.
Oh yeah, and I play Animal Crossing (DS) almost every other day (still).

Games I am looking forward to:
PSU (PS2). Duh. beigesmile.gif
Contact (DS).
FF: Crystal Chronicles (DS).
Okami (PS2).

There are actually alot more games too, but knowing the PSU is going to take over everything. I won't be buying any other games for months.

Posted by: ArekuReiesu Sep 24 2006, 01:33 AM

If you're wondering if I'm still alive... here's your answer. I am (sort of)!It really has been awhile folks, how are you all? I'm currently now enrolled in Saint Louis University here in Baguio City, Philippines taking up a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and will take Medicine as my Graduate course. School has been my shackle (and if I make the Dean's List top five like they're thinking I will here, it will be even more of a damn shackle) so I haven't touched any PC games (hell all games for that matter!) ever since I came here! I hope Breaker and Crush keep me updated with the latest gaming news. hehe...

Anyway, games I'm looking forward to:

PSU (PC) (My PS2 hates me and doesn't want to read disks anymore so this is my only option...)
WoW: burning crusade
the remake of FF6 for the DS

Posted by: Knightsword Sep 24 2006, 03:48 PM

pc psu > then ps2 psu anyway, and its FF3 getting remade for the DS and not FF6 cry2.gif FF6 is a gba port out next year.

Anyway, I've been busy with work, often working 6 days a week. Dealing with stupid employees and the like. As for pc gaming its been a little bit of FFXI, WoW, and a few others FEAR and Oblivion (when it wants to work).
I've even been dabbling in Second Life with some friends. My consoles have gone unloved for awhile. But my DS gets played rather often when I'm at work, currently playing DQH: Rocket Slime a fun action rpg with all sorts of references to other SE games.

I'm looking forward to:

Castlevania: PoR (DS)
Contact (DS)
Zelda: PH (DS)
Zelda: TP (GC)
WoW: BC (PC)
NWN 2 (PC)

Posted by: Crushinator Sep 24 2006, 04:58 PM

I'm finally back on broadband (aka the real internet) so I'm exercising my FFXI demons before PSU drops next month.

I also just picked up Okami this week, one of the finest PS2 games I have ever played. It's a sublime mix of Zelda and Viewtiful Joe, with smooth, fast combat reminiscent of ninja gaiden, and a painting mechanic that's unlike any other game I've played.

Posted by: Alisha Sep 25 2006, 09:35 AM

im still doing the ffxi lets see i think VP2 comes out tomarrow buttrock.gif next month is gonna be rough too with psu and ffxii. i think even after psu comes im still gonna stay on ffxi and just do events and only exp when i need buffer.i might even pick up a 360 for ffxi so i can be logged on both games at once.

Posted by: Crushinator Sep 26 2006, 01:22 AM

When the hell are you on FFXI these days? I haven't even seen you online.

Posted by: Riel Sep 26 2006, 09:08 PM

Still playing a loy of WoW,all the rest is mostly 360 games lately,like Enchanted Arms,some poker on Live and a little Saints Row.

For the rest it's been a nice summer,i bought a little RV that i have set up in the country,was there a lot the last few months and i'm going for 4 days to New York at the beginning of October.

Posted by: Alisha Sep 27 2006, 03:53 AM

QUOTE(Crushinator @ Sep 26 2006, 01:22 AM) [snapback]25598[/snapback]

When the hell are you on FFXI these days? I haven't even seen you online.

ive been invisible to hide from blades but i just turned it off.

Posted by: Wiryu Sep 27 2006, 03:57 AM

After taking a whole to respond, here goes.

-Upcoming PSU
-Castlevania: Portrait of ruin
-.//Hack G.U.
-Nintendo Wii
-PS3 (What can I say? I was sold on the MGS4 trailer many times.)

Posted by: Knightsword Sep 27 2006, 05:18 PM

QUOTE(Alisha @ Sep 27 2006, 04:53 AM) [snapback]25605[/snapback]

QUOTE(Crushinator @ Sep 26 2006, 01:22 AM) [snapback]25598[/snapback]

When the hell are you on FFXI these days? I haven't even seen you online.

ive been invisible to hide from blades but i just turned it off.

Haha, blades is still stocking you, well, since Destina left, ya you best hide.

Posted by: DarkEpyon Sep 27 2006, 07:42 PM

After a two-year relationship, I am now single. It just wasn't going anywhere really. Now begins the internal repairs accented by some PSU.

Posted by: Ferra Sep 28 2006, 08:37 AM

QUOTE(Knightsword @ Sep 27 2006, 06:18 PM) [snapback]25609[/snapback]

QUOTE(Alisha @ Sep 27 2006, 04:53 AM) [snapback]25605[/snapback]

QUOTE(Crushinator @ Sep 26 2006, 01:22 AM) [snapback]25598[/snapback]

When the hell are you on FFXI these days? I haven't even seen you online.

ive been invisible to hide from blades but i just turned it off.

Haha, blades is still stocking you, well, since Destina left, ya you best hide.

Blades is so crazy. First it's a guy, then it's a guy pretending to be a lesbian, and then it's supposedly a real girl, (for about five minutes) and then it's a guy again.

You should let my rng mooch off of one of your KRT monky parties, lish. king.gif

Posted by: Alisha Sep 29 2006, 03:24 AM

QUOTE(Ferra @ Sep 27 2006, 08:42 PM) [snapback]25611[/snapback]

Blades is so crazy. First it's a guy, then it's a guy pretending to be a lesbian, and then it's supposedly a real girl, (for about five minutes) and then it's a guy again.

You should let my rng mooch off of one of your KRT monky parties, lish. king.gif

oh im sure its a guy because of a screenshot that woe showed me.

i dont really do the krt thing anymore i mostly merit in caederva mire but rng could pwn the spoungilla flies there.

Posted by: Crushinator Sep 29 2006, 04:08 PM

Invite me to your pt some time, I'm almost level 75 brd now! beigebigrazz.gif

Posted by: =^-^= Oct 14 2006, 09:01 PM

Hola all, not sure anyone really remembers me. (Well, with a couple exceptions.)
Good to see everyone around!

Been going to college, still have a 4.0 overall, and all As this semester.
Living with my grandmother and taking care of her. Mostly in my free time play WoW and go out with friends...Play racquetball on weekends, and looks like I might be getting in to bowling.
Looking forward to the WoW expansion (already paid for) and most likely PSU, would be happy to see you guys on there.

Possibly going to Washington state some time in January to visit a friend, looking forward to that.
Other than that, not much.

Hope all are well!


Posted by: Crushinator Oct 15 2006, 01:08 AM

QUOTE(=^-^= @ Oct 14 2006, 09:01 PM) [snapback]25709[/snapback]


Catface is back! luna.gif

Posted by: Naba Oct 19 2006, 10:09 PM

I've been weening myself off of FFXI to get ready to let PSU ru(i)n my life.

oh and I guess, "Hey dodes, I'm naba, long time lurker, first time poster. it's nice to meet you. (at least the ones I don't know).


Posted by: Kazicht Oct 20 2006, 02:39 AM

Hey Naba! Been awhile... see you on PSU : )

Posted by: Woe Oct 20 2006, 07:11 AM

Welcome to ATHQ naba, make yourself at home buddy.

Posted by: Knightsword Oct 20 2006, 03:43 PM

Welcome Naba, the funky fresh ninja

Posted by: Crushinator Oct 21 2006, 03:00 AM

Welcome to the AT, bitch! beigelaugh.gif

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